Every year, the Church gives us six weeks to reflect on our lives to see if our beliefs and goals are in line with God's desires for us. Lent serves as a second chance, or do over, to return to God with our whole heart. Lent is an excellent opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a Christian. It is also an opportunity to repent for our sins and misgivings, as well as intensify our prayer, fasting, almsgiving, religious practice, and accepting others as brothers and sisters in our religious sect. Most Catholics associate Lent with giving up everything they love, doing good, and refraining from consuming meat on Fridays. Some people consider it a waste and despise having to make the sacrifice. But Lent is a special occasion. Between Ash Wednesday and Easter, many Christians observe a 40-day period known as Lent. The Lenten Sundays celebrate significant events in Our Lord's life, such as his Transfiguration and Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, which starts...