As the third quarter comes to close, it’s an important time to reflect on the quarter and the year as a whole. This quarter I actually had some interest in what we are doing. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in this quarter, knowledge that I can use in next quarter. The topic for this quarter was new to me and I have not learned much about HTML’s or I haven’t learned anything new from what I’ve already known. In the past two months, I have been able to learn how to describe and compare the two kinds of tags, how to define HTML, how to identify basic tags used in HTML, how to create an HTML file using the basic HTML tags, how to apply basic HTML Formatting Tags, how to apply text formatting and alignment attributes, and lastly learn how to apply the tags in HTML frames and tables. To be honest enjoyed this quarter’s topic. It was easy but lots of works to do especially in typing and memorizing each HTML tags to be used. It was a little bit hard to understand our lesson but it...